Flower Essences To Keep You On Track During The New Year

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We’re about 2 weeks into the New Year. How are you keeping up with your goals? Have you lost steam or are you chugging alone? Perhaps you struggle with clarity and motivation, trust me I did too.

For about a year and a half now, I completely froze my business besides working on products. Why you may ask? Well, plain and simple, I didn’t know what I want. I didn’t know who I was anymore, I didn’t know where I was going. I lacked clarity around my goals, dreams, desires, who I wanted to grow into. So although I sat here and ignored my online presence, I didn’t think it was fair to produce content that I didn’t feel deeply connected to.

I can confidently say that now, after a year a half, that I know where I am going and I can’t wait to share with you my incredible plans for the year. This took MUCH longer than anticipated, and that’s because I should have utilized my tools sooner. It was almost like a 'DUH’ moment for me… how could I not think of it before when I have these beautiful flower essences sitting in my cabinets. Oh and if you haven’t noticed, I am in the middle of completely rebranding so take a look around! I am now known as ‘Living The Enchanted Life’ because I want to help you create your own. I’ll be moving away from promoting hiring me to certain things, and moving towards teaching YOU how to do it all yourself so you can expand your own tools and do what feels right for you. And believe me, with my upcoming pieces of training, you’ll be impressed with how YOU can enchantingly shift your life :)

Now I normally do only suggest taking 1 flower essence or 1 flower essence blend at a time, I went a little crazy, and it’s seriously making a HUGE difference!

Let’s go over some flower essences that can help you beat procrastination, doubt, and uncertainty and promote motivation, clarity, and your connection to your guides/the universe/God.

Single Flower Essences That Help With These Issues:

  1. Celandine Flower Essence - Not feeling any guidance from the universe? Celandine can help you find that much-needed communication

  2. Cosmos Flower Essence - If you feel blocked creativity, and are lacking inspiration, focus and clarity, then Cosmos is a great choice. It helps us narrow in on what we wish to focus on and stop being so scattered with ideas

  3. French Marigold Flower Essence - This essence helps us connect to our psychic abilities, one of them being clairaudience (hearing guidance)

  4. Fringed Pink Flower Essence - Fringed Pink helps us see the paths that are currently blocked from our vision, meaning if you don’t know where to go next and you’re just living day-to-day taking it as it comes, then this flower essence can help reveal new paths to take

  5. Indian Strawberry Flower Essence - Struggling with energy, creativeness, or rigidity is no fun, Indian Strawberry can help you move into a state of child-like energy and joy

  6. Iris Flower Essence - Perhaps you have your creativity, and you know what you want to create, but you aren’t sure how to get there. Iris can help you achieve that

  7. Queen Annes Lace Flower Essence - If you have too much going on and you feel scattered in a million projects, try to multitask, and are in a vicious cycle of busy-work instead of actually producing or completing projects, Queen Annes Lace can come to the rescue!

  8. Plains Coreopsis Flower Essence - Are you frozen to death by the winter and just want to hibernate? Plains Coreopsis can warm you from the inside out!

  9. Sweet William Flower Essence - This powerhouse combats lack of direction and helps us align with our spiritual mission. Promoting clarity, and guidance, Sweet William is a great choice is you have no idea of your course in life presently

  10. Tansy Flower Essence - If you are a procrastinator or have a hard time taking action AND are experiencing indecision, lack of energy, and self-doubt, Tansy is a great remedy

Single Flower Essences work beautifully and you’re more able to keep track of how your body, mind, and soul is adjusting to the new energy by taking the essence 4x a day under the tongue or in a drink.

However…I needed a SERIOUS boost. I started off taking my Flower Essence Blend called “I Choose Vitality”, and I certainly noticed a huge shift in energy, but also mood too, I became so much more happy and peppy again. I had lost that for a bit, I believe looking back, I became deeply depressed for quite a few months last year.

Deciding to get my life together and figure out the who/what/why/how for myself, I felt I needed more. So I said screw it and started to take 3 Flower Essence Blends all at once! I have to say the first week I felt a healing crisis that felt like fuzziness behind my eyes and a dull headache. This is A LOT of flower essences at once, it truly is. I’ve never heard of anyone taking this many at once, but I felt I had to do something radical, and I’ll be damned… it worked, and it worked well!

Instead of taking 4 drops 4x a day, I have been taking my 3 blends 4 drops in the morning, and 4 drops at night. So just twice a day, 4 drops each blend. I can tell you, I am a changed woman and I am back and CAN NOT wait to show you what I’ve been working on for the months to come.

The 3 Flower Essence Blends I Am Taking:

  1. I Choose Clarity Flower Essence Blend - Promotes motivation, inspiration, drive, focus, and of course, promotes clarity

  2. I Choose Guidance Flower Essence Blend - Promotes hearing the messages and seeing the signs that our higher self and guides are trying to community so you can have greater clarity around your choices in life

  3. I Choose Vitality Flower Essence Blend - Promotes vitality, well-being, and brings higher energy to your mind and body

Thank you for reading :) I hope if you feel called to, that you chose to work with Flower Essences for your New Year Goals!

You can now get 15% off any Single Flower Essences and Flower Essence Blends with code NEWYEARNEWYOU

You can view the product shop by clicking the button below!

Wishing you many blessings and looking forward to showing you the products of my newly found clarity shortly,



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